Success Redefined

Why your feminine energy is essential to thriving as a woman in business

For female founders and influential women in corporate

Have you been feeling sad that summer is coming to an end and the intense hustle of life will be back into full swing? 

Chances are you started off the year feeling hopeful and inspired that THIS would finally be the year that you would finally feel like “you’re enough” and stop chasing your tail around trying to do and be all the things! 

You know you’re made for something more and you really want to feel lit-up, loved-up and fired-up! 

Then life happened… 

Can you relate to any of this? 

  • Your life looks successful on paper, you check all the boxes and have climbed the corporate ladder like an Olympic champion! BUT you know there’s more to life and you want to feel powerful in your purpose! 
  • You’re a multi-tasking, list-ticking, high-achieving women BUT you often put your desires last and you’re scared you’re falling behind on your dreams and you’re exhausted from ‘doing it all.’ 
  • You’ve hit a wall, the things that used to bring you joy now feel empty, you know you’re meant for more but you get confused and overwhelmed at merely the thought!  
  • You’re disconnected from your body, shut off from your emotions and it’s not working anymore, you want to live life to the fullest but you don’t know where to begin. 

If you’re experiencing struggle and resistance when it comes to embracing your feminine , that’s ok! 

In fact, you might not even know what that means since we are so conditioned in a toxic masculine way. You might be newly waking up to the fact that there’s a different, more fulfilling way to live. 

In a patriarchal society women have been conditioned to make ourselves small, put ourselves lst and function in this head over heart way. 

And yet. Even though it can feel like a huge mountain to climb to start shifting this - the paradigm is shifting and you have so much support to challenge the status quo!! 

My guess is the vision you hold is something that sparks a fire in your belly and desire in your heart, it’s an indication that something deep down within you is ready to ignite! 

About Me

Hey, I’m Melissa Bauknight, the founder of The Ripple Connection and a business and feminine leadership coach, I serve ambitious woman ready to bravely pursue a career rooted in their purpose!

In 2017, I attempted to do it all – work full time, grow my side business with Beautycounter, heal my pelvic floor and birth trauma AND be an amazing perfect new mom! However, I quickly realized this left no space for ME leaving me feeling depleted, reactive, and lost.

Despite having a huge vision, I kept it to myself and put it on the backburner because I was TERRIFIED of not meeting my own high expectations.  

Or worse.. 

  • What if I realized that this big dream of mine wasn’t actually all it’s cracked up to be?!
  • What if my wildest dreams do come to life and I’m STILL last on my to-do list, deflated and unfulfilled… 

So I kept myself small, I put off my goals for another day and another year slipped by... 

UNTIL I started to ask the deeper questions and truly tune into my deepest desires. 

Fast-forward through several giant leaps, neuroscience courses, deep-inner work, and taking many bold actions - my life has dramatically shifted in ways you didn’t even know were possible!

Now, I've helped over 400 women to bridge the gap between life on autopilot to infinite soul fulfillment!

I know this is possible for you too the moment you DECIDE you want more…

That feeling of fulfilment from having your deepest desires realized CAN become your reality….

That’s why I created this FREE Why your feminine energy is essential as a woman in business!


This 40 minute workshop will be all about reconnecting with your core values, creating space for your deepest desires, and living in alignment with your whole self. We will integrate feminine principles to shift the way you show up as your authentic self - unapologetically claiming your purpose! 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​You'll find CLARITY around what you stand for and feel CONFIDENT about embracing your feminine to create a purpose-filled life starting NOW! 

In this Masterclass you’ll discover how you can: 

Uncover your authentic self 

  • Unlearn societal conditioning to the root of who you are so you can live your purpose!

Learn a new (feminine)  model of living in alignment  - the BRIDGE model

  • Tune into your body’s inner wisdom to create trust within yourself to make powerful decisions!

Boldly become a values driven leader 

  • Reconnect to your core values and why they matter so you can show up with confidence. 

Courageously embrace your authentic self and ALL your desires. 

  • ​​​​​​​Start calling back the power you've been giving away to others with simple tools you can apply today to craft the life of your dreams!

This is NOT a puff-piece designed to get you hyped but leaves you back at square one.  We unpack the neuroscience of living in alignment that stems from the mind and body. 

You’ll receive micro-shifts you can instantly apply to start making major progress today!


Catch the replay




"Life before working with Melissa  felt intense, chaotic, and like a daily hamster wheel. I felt reactive, emotionally fried and like my nervous system could never settle. I was drinking too much to "decompress", angry with my husband and kids' demands on me, and quick to think negatively. 

During and since working with Melissa, life has dramatically shifted in that I now have tools to slow down, calm my nervous system, and care for myself. I see myself as a priority and have learned how to set clear boundaries, letting go of pressures and feel into my body as to what's right for me. I can truly say I now live in an authentic version of myself, and have so much grace and patience for myself. I strive for ease in my days, and when I feel resistance, I step back. Incredibly counterintuitive for how I've lived my years, and it's the most peace I've felt in years."

 Kendra Underhill, PA


It’s time to stop outsourcing your joy and embrace your powerful feminine side so you can live your life in a way that actually works for YOU!!


Why your feminine energy is essential as a woman in business

Discover the neuroscience-informed way you can ACTUALLY live in congruence with your true purpose in this 40 minute masterclass!